9 nov 2014

Anaïs Nin - The Diary of Anais Nin, Volume 1 (1931–1934) [EPUB]

"First published 1966, it depicts Anaïs Nin living in Louveciennes, just outside of Paris, with her husband, banker Hugh Parker Guiler. Guiler's name is not once mentioned in this volume. Volume One covers the most important years of her relationship with Henry Miller. She has just published her study of D. H. Lawrence. Many of the early entries deal with Henry and his fascinating wife June. She discusses her psychoanalytic sessions with Rene Allendy and Otto Rank at length. During this period, her father re-enters her life. By the end of this volume, Henry has published Tropic of Cancer and she has completed House of Incest (published, 1936) and Winter of Artifice (published 1939)." (Source)

Formato: epub
Peso/Size: 523 KB

2 comentarios:

  1. Hey, do you have the other volumes of Anais Nin's diaries? Thank you!

  2. No, sorry. That's the only one I found.


Marcos Witt - Proyecto AA (1991) [MP3 128]

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